Interview with Zeina
How was the long waiting time for the test results?
Waiting was more than 1 month since the initial mammogram and ultra sound report.
Gynaecologist and Surgeon wanted to me see a specific Breast Radiologist who was not available until 40 days later.
Waiting time and uncertainty were by far hardest part in the whole process.
How was the Diagnostic test performed?
Mammogram and Ultra Sound, followed by MRI, then Biopsy to get the final diagnostic.
Pointing out the invasive prodecure.
Biopsy was the invasive part of the procedure, it felt uncomfortable and the Doctor confirmed during the biopsy that it is a cancer, so it was invasive physically and emotionally.

What has the patient complained about, what should have been done differently?
My complaint was the lack of information given to me during this whole procedure, where I had to take control on the decisions I have make.
Mammogram was BI-RAD 3, my ultra sound was BI-RADS4 so the gynaecologist decide to transfer my case to another hospital to see a surgeon.
The surgeont was insisting to see a specific breast radiologist who was not available to meet until 40 days later resulting an emotional stress for myself and my partner.
The breast radiologist performed the MRI and a quick ultra sound after to confirm to me under the procedure that it is definitely a cancer before leaving me in a dark empty room as she had to run to see another patient. This experience left me in a trauma so I decided to seek medical help in another country.
I took all my reports and headed to Lebanon to perform the biopsy and get my final results.
What was the impact of therapy on her life?
Therapy was consisted to 2 journeys; surgery then Chemotherapy
Surgery: My case required a lumpectomy, however I suggested to my surgeon that I wanted to perform a bilateral mastectomy. He was clear that I did not have to take these radical measurement, however he was supportive of my final decision. 1 month recovery where he was very supportive and following up with me twice a week until I was cleared. This month, I was processing and digesting what happened to me, I spent a lot of time alone looking in the mirror and assuring myself that I can do it, I was still hoping that Chemo was not necessary but I was preparing myself to deal with it.
Therapy: Waiting for my oncotype took around 4 weeks as the lab was in Germany. It was 24 and I was in the grey zone and I had to decide with the oncologist on the best treatment.
Moved back to Dubai and met my oncologist with all me reports and I performed a pet scan before starting my Chemo.
I was prepared through a lot of researches to deal with Chemo physically but I was waiting to see the emotional impact and how I will deal with it.
I tried maintaining a normal lifestyle with my family and at work and I have managed to maintain a healthy balance. Except for the 3 – 4 days affect after each session, I was OK to do activities with my family and work full time.
What causes her anxiety?
The waiting for any test, the extra measures during COVID which kept family and friends away from me, the death scenario, the new habits that I needed to train myself on like stop smoking, stop red meat, exercise etc…
What gave her Strength during this time?
I took a decision to face this situation despite the fear I had. So I was reassuring myself that that I can deal whatever is happening as long as I don’t give up to fear.
My partner was the greatest dealing with the situation by working around my emotions and ups and downs.
How does she see and lives her life now?
I carry on with a happier life in comparison to my life pre-cancer. I developed a gratitude for smaller gifts in life which I took for granted before. My perception of what is important in life was shallower. I prioritise my mental and physical state first, hence I m able to give my loved ones better support and care ( I used to think it is the other way around).
What kind of hurdles (e.g. physical, mental) did she have to overcome during her cancer journey / or treatment?
Physically I had to overcome a lot of hurdles like nausea, body pain, mouth sores, weight gain, hair loss and fatigue and I had to use a lot of medication to overcome these effects in addition to natural remedies (mainly ginger tea)
Mentally Chemo took me to a very dark place in my mind where I lost the appetite of living so I used laughter as a tool to help me feel better. I developed an eating disorder where I was missing very strong tastes like sour, spicy, salty and sweet in one bite to overcome the metal taste I had in my mouth; it took me couple of months to be able to control myself.
How did you deal with (e.g nausea) during Chemo?
Medication and ginger tea
What kind of message would you like to share with the public or young people who might not take the prevention topic seriously?
Nothing is more important than health and prevention DOES help, my cancer was aggressive but because it was diagnosed at an early stage, I m still alive, healthy and thriving.
What advice would you have for a friend or family member that is going through a similar situation than yours?
Every person has a unique strength point and a unique happy place, my advice if to find them and use them. Each person is different and what worked for me might not work for others.
What helped you to get through your cancer Journey?
I decided on how I want to approach this and shared it with the people around me so they can support my journey. I decided to flight this as hard as I can and try to carry on with life a normal as I can. Carrying on with my daily habits e.g work, daily activities with my kids, long drives etc… was a great help. I faced the fact that I need to changed a lot in my lifestyle but I still acknowledged that I m human and I might not be able to cut all my bad habits cold turkey. I shared all the above with the people around me and they were on the same page as me throughout my journey.
Don’t keep this illness to yourself, people around you can help you and you can rely on their support.